Leading up to the Spring Equinox is a perfect time to consider doing a Liver Cleanse

Really, we should be doing things all year round to help support our Liver's....why? Simply put, we live in a toxic world and although our Liver's are absolutely outstanding at what they do (🙌), some support is definitely a good thing.
If your Liver is adequately supported, you shouldn't have ANY 'detox reactions'.
Symptoms to look out for when your Liver is struggling or overburdened:
Skin issues (rashes, acne, eczema etc)
Feelings of anger or rage
Brain fog
Poor digestion
Alcohol intolerance
Caffeine intolerance
Sensitive to chemicals (eg can't handle strong smells like petrol or washing powder)
Blood sugar balance issues
PMS symptoms
Difficulty losing weight
Specific cleanse programmes I like:
Nutri Advanced Nutri Clean
Nutrigold Detox Programme
Herbs Hands Healing Liver Cleanse
Other things to help:
Colonic hydrotherapy
Far infra red sauna
Yoga, meditation & breathwork
Good hydration
Good sleep
Castor oil packs
Quality protein
Organic green juices
Skin brushing
Hot & cold showers
Epsom salt baths
Liver supportive herbs & food
Lowering toxic load
There so much we can do on a daily basis to help support our Liver's
If you'd like more info, send me an email and I'll send you my Liver support handout x